Elliot Bendoly

Elliot Bendoly, Distinguished Professor of Operations and Business Analytics, Ohio State University, US & Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Operations Management

Biography : 

Elliot Bendoly, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Operations Management (FT and UTD journal), and Fisher College of Business Distinguished Professor in the Department of Operations and Business Analytics as well as OM Distinguished Scholar (Academy of Management). He has also served as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students and Programs. Prior to joining Fisher, Dr. Bendoly taught at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, where he lead the Information Systems and Operations Management area/department, and held the title of Caldwell Research Fellow. During that time he also served as a visiting researcher at IE Business School in Madrid. Bendoly earned a PhD and MS in operations and decision technologies from Indiana University, and a BA in economics (industrial/development) as well as a BS in materials engineering from Case Western Reserve University. Prior to graduate school, he served in a research capacity for both Intel and NASA.

His current research interests focus on the interface between operations, information technology and psychology (group and individual), including collaboration and group dynamics; work policies, task complexity and uncertainty; and operations / strategy / technology alignment.

Bendoly’s research (Google h-index 46, ISI h-index 34 as of 2023) has been published in numerous journals, including no less than 32 articles appearing in: Management Science, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology. An additional 37 articles appear in outlets including Journal of Business Logistics, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Decision Support Systems.

He has also published a number of chapters and books, including Excel Basics to Blackbelt: An Accelerated Guide to Decision Support Designs (Cambridge University Press), Visual Analytics for Management (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) and the Handbook of Behavior Operations Management: Social and Psychological Dynamics in Production and Service Settings (Oxford Press). His latest text, Mastering Project Discovery: Successful Discipline in Analytics and Engineering Projects, showcases the use of the OUtCoMES Cycle and Systems-oriented A3.

Bendoly is the recipient of the Journal of Operations Management best published paper award of 2008, a finalist again in 2014, and earned runner-up honors for best published Information Systems Research paper of 2007. Bendoly has served as Department Editor for JOM’s Technology Management department, Department Editor for DSJ’s Empirical Supply Chain department, a Senior Editor of POM’s Behavior Operations department (2013-23), as Senior Editor for the Management of Technology department of POM (2011-21).

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