Submission formatting checklist :

1/ Authors are invited to download the following templates according to The Template and Instructions on How to Create Your IEEE Paper from :


2/ Papers must be 4-8 pages, including references, figures and tables, following the IEEE format. Papers no longer than 6 pages are highly encouraged. 7-page and 8-page papers are allowed, with a charge of $100/page greater than 6. Papers longer than 8 pages will be rejected without review.
3/ Paper size : Ensure the paper size is US letter format or A4 format.Minimum font size for most-common text, in points : 10 points.
4/ Average line spacing : 12 points.
5/ Check that PDF file was created by PDFeXpress.
6/ Check that PDF file has no bookmarks.
7/ Disallow links in PDF.
8/ Margins must be :

  • Top: 0.75 inch = 1.91 cm
  • Left/right: 0.62 inch = 1.58 cm
  • Bottom 1.0 inch = 2.54 cm

Paper submission :

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently being considered in any other forum. Manuscripts must be submitted to : IEEE ICTMOD 2025 “Edas Conference system”. The scientific and the program committees will evaluate the relevance of each proposition submitted and will propose modifications if need.

Rating :

  • The Scientific Committee will assess the relevance of each proposal and will propose appropriate changes.
  • The acceptance criteria are : originality of the contribution, importance to the community and impact on future scientific work, significance of results and quality of presentation.